Saturday, March 8, 2014


In late 1998, a group of missionaries made a startling discovery deep in
the wilds of South America when they found dozens of plastic waterproof
tubes and bags containing notebooks, sketches, and various
biological samples scattered along the banks of a tributary of the
Amazon River for an area of several miles. After a lengthy (and expensive)
dialog with the government within whose boundaries the materials
were found, they were fi nally released to the United States, and returned
to the University whose property they were labeled as.

Initially, the decision was made not to release them, and the items in
question were locked in a facility on University grounds. Rumors swirled
about just what was in them, but the campus leadership remained silent
on the subject, and would not even publicly admit that the items in
question even existed.

But now, for the fi rst time ever, a portion of the actual contents of those
mysterious containers is being made public in this amazing collection of
scientific c art and observations. Claims from the amazing to the unbelievable
are made, and it has been decided that the public should decide
whether they are true or not.

So, here for your judgment, as much as your viewing pleasure, is a small
portion of the fi ndings in those sealed containers, from the muddy banks
of the Amazon River to your table top.

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